中央社区学院基金 为内布拉斯加州的机构提供优质教育服务的机会.
We are so thankful for all of our sponsors and players who showed up to support CCC students today! 在大家的支持下,我们筹到了20多美元,今年在格兰德岛的学生奖学金! 我们还要感谢我们的高尔夫专业人士, 河滨乡村俱乐部和专业商店,感谢他们为这次活动所做的一切努力. We are all looking forward to seeing our sponsors and players again next year at Lochland Country Club in Hastings!
我们欢迎你加入我们的黑斯廷斯校园9月7日下午4-7点.m. 庆祝我们的社区伙伴关系, 探索重点CCC项目, 享受免费的CCC烹饪艺术开胃小菜, 商会业务下班后活动.
2023年7月25日,尘土飞扬 & Sue Pirnie, 还有几位捐赠者, co-chairs, children, 和CCC的校友们在莱德公园铲起铁锹,为皮尔尼包容性游乐场破土动工.
This 27,000 square foot playground was imagined in an Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Classroom at Central Community College in the spring of 2021. The OTA Students were challenged to design a community project that would increase the mobility and quality of life for individuals who are unable to fully participate in daily activities due to physical or psychological limitations.